Advances in Perfusion and Dual-Energy CT

Advances in Perfusion and Dual-Energy CT

No continuing education / Category A credit assigned to this presentation.

Perfusion imaging and dual-energy CT represent the latest advances in CT imaging technology. Both have been praised to the skies as the ultimate innovation that represents a quantum leap in numerous disease conditions, in particular cancer imaging. Some of the promises hold true. Over the past 5 years, many applications have been developed for either technique with focus on integration into routine imaging. Excessive post-processing times, lack of standardization however are perceived as roadblocks for widespread implementation.

Is there still a clinical justification for using perfusion imaging in cancer patients? Is the radiation dose too high? What additional information can be gathered from dual-energy CT and will such information change patient management? Not all questions can be answered with certainty, but the fog is lifting. This lecture will show the hype, the hope and clinical reality.

– Explore the technological challenges in perfusion and dual-energy CT imaging
– Become familiar with generally accepted clinical indications

$10 Member
$20 Non-Member