ScanWise Implant, MR Conditional Devices, and MRI Safety

ScanWise Implant, MR Conditional Devices, and MRI Safety

Often, a challenge to smooth and efficient MRI patient flow is the management of patients with implants, devices, and foreign bodies. ScanWise Implant can help sites address both the potential MRI safety concerns, and the technical aspects of executing MR Conditional-restricted studies. This course presents the functionality of ScanWise Implant, with the goal of helping practitioners understand the optimal ways to use ScanWise Implant for both MRI safety and exam execution.

• MR safety
• Types of implants and factors that make implants conditional: heating, torquing
• Tips and tricks for scanning MR Conditional implants
• Using assistance tools like ScanWise Implant, to reduce the uncertainty of scanning patients with implants, streamline scanning, improve MRI technologist’s confidence, and positively impact safety