The OAR Presents: Endoluminal Imaging Day

The OAR Presents: Endoluminal Imaging Day

During this one-day lecture series there will be a combination of didactic lectures and discussion via interactive cases to cover a broad range of entities as well as potential pitfalls in image interpretation. The series will focus on what our referring clinicians including gastroenterologists and oncologists require from our report. The day will be divided into three sessions: upper GI imaging, small bowel and colonic/rectal pathology.

Learning Objectives:

  • Be aware of the strengths and limitations of imaging modalities in the imaging of GI pathologies
  • Become cognizant of the pathologies encountered when imaging the small bowel and be able to tailor the report to answer specific clinical questions that influence management and prognostication
  • Be able to create templates at your institution which allow you to bring value to the reporting of GI cases
  • Stage and restage rectal carcinoma with an understanding of the pivotal role that imaging criteria have on determining patient management
  • Technique for MR enterography: how to optimize and get a good quality exam
  • CT enterography “How I do it”: a technologists perspective