1) PETMRI at UHN: Current Status and Future Perspective; 2) Imaging Neurosurgery

1) PETMRI at UHN: Current Status and Future Perspective; 2) Imaging Neurosurgery

No continuing education credits

1) PETMRI at UHN: Current Status and Future Perspective

Presenter: Jin Huang

Learning Objectives:
– Discuss underpinning technologies of PETMRI system, the differences and added value from conventional MRI and PETCT system.
– Discuss some current PETMR research studies at UHN and potential unique values added to patient care management that other modalities are not able to achieve alone.
– Discuss the challenges and future perspective as PETMRI research technologist

2) Imaging Neurosurgery

Presenter: Stephanie Holowka

Learning Objectives:
– Describe the role of the lead MRI Safety Officer at Sickkids.
– Review principles of MRI safety.
– Describe system tools such as hospital information systems and Sharepoint to ensure documentation of patient implants and staff screening.
– Discuss MRI safety education for operating room and hybrid operating room staff.
– Discuss education of MRI staff for safe scanning of implants.
– Describe online/I-Learn learning.
– Review case studies involving known implants and foreign bodies.